Exclusive Instawalk at Experimentarium

I was invited to an exclusive instawalk at Experimentarium a few days ago with around 50-60 other instagramers. Here I saw a few familiar faces from the Danish Instagram community. I have been to some instawalks over the years so I know who belongs to which Instagram profiles and it is always exciting to see how other instagramers gets their perfect shots. Since I have not been to any instawalks for over 9 months, I was really intrigued to get some really great photos from Experimentarium. In the end I got some great shots from their Helix Staircase and as some of you might know I have already shared one photo from this place on my Instagram. My plan is to share more photos from this place with my Instagram.


Fun fact: This was actually not my first instawalk with Experimentarium. In fact this was actually my third one. The first one happened in their temporary location at Papirøen and the second one was while their new building was being built.


Introduction time


Their newly renovated science centre opened in January 26, 2017, meaning they finally returned home after two and a half year building process. Over the years they are perhaps most well-known for their soap bubble shows and who can possibly hate soap bubbles? What I like about this place is that kids from elementary schools have the possibility to learn about science and technology in a fun way, which you might not learn by just reading a book. However, Experimentarium is not just for kids, because even adults can learn about new stuff and I can tell you that I had a great time even though I have an engineering master degree in design and innovation.


I can ensure you that you will get impressed the moment you step inside Experimentarium, because you cannot avoid to see the very impressive copper Helix Staircase that looks like our DNA. If you like taking photos you can easily spend a lot of time taking photos of this staircase alone.


The top of The Helix Staircase


From another angle


From the future


Looking down


Of course there is more to Experimentarium than just their staircase. I also really liked The Labyrinth of Light, but for some reason I forgot to get inside The Tunnel of Senses, which is likely a lot of fun and has a lot of photo possibilities.


@somewhereincopenhagen trying to take a selfie (I think)


Inside The Labyrinth of Light you can find many fun activities. One of them is the colour columns with light. Here you can get a great selfie if you are into that, but otherwise you can sort of create your own artwork by mixing red, green and blue light. I will likely share some photos from this on my Instagram. You can give the columns different colours or you can give them the same colour.


@wistphotos created this


There are many fun activities inside Experimentarium and my recommendation is to visit it with an open mind and when you finally get inside you should just be playful and explore as much as possible. I do not know when, but I will likely return one day, since I did not play with a lot of the stuff. As far as I know there will be new exhibitions in the near future, so there will be something to look forward to.


Lastly I want to share a few words about some of the instagramers I met. I have met most of them from previous instawalks and what they do not know is that I follow them on some of my secret accounts despite not following them on my main account, but there are of course a few I follow with my main account.


@siwaldershvile has a very artistic and clean expression and other instagramers often use her as their model. Despite taking photos of many different things she tends to follow a concurrent unique style that is hard to describe.

@copenhagenbykat is a very underrated instagramer (just like myself :P). She takes many photos from the street level and manages to turn a boring environment into a piece or art.

@insta_justitia_1479 has a thing for the sky and reflections, and uses it to her advantage.

@katjamartens07 has a silent style, which is very relaxing to follow.

@wistphotos is a young talented instagramer with great skills. His account will likely become big one day.

@pernille_franch is also an underrated instagramer. She takes many great photos of Copenhagen from day to night.

@anneoesterby has a very minimalistic and ‘white’ style that is very well-received and inspiring.

@vikkeview is an expert in finding at shapes in her environment.

@ursulabach is another instagramer taking many great photos. You are just overwhelmed no matter what she posts.

@yilmazkbh has the power to change the mood of a shot into something more unique and aesthetic.

@somewhereincopenhagen has a very interesting feed. I think this was my first time seeing the person behind this amazing account. Looking through her photos seems like they are telling many exciting stories.


If time allows it and if it makes sense, I will possibly share some more information about Experimentarium and the above mentioned instagramers.


Please follow me on instagram and like my facebook page – i will also share posts about great Instagram accounts with this blog and it could very well be you. ?

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